Rehearsal Schedules for Carmina and Illuminare

Recent Revisions

June 2024

  • Thanks for a successful season. Have a great summer!
  • Watch for next season’s schedule.


Rehearsals will take place Monday evenings as detailed below. Please observe these guidelines:

  • Covid:
    • Singers must be fully vaccinated.
    • Until further notice, masking at rehearsals is optional.
    • Do not attend rehearsal if you have covid, suspect you have it, or have not tested negative following suspected exposure. (Current guidelines specify two successive negative tests.)
  • Other illness:
    • If you feel ill (fever, respiratory symptoms, etc.) please stay home. If possible, please let Hube and Steve know in advance (see below).
    • If you are not contagious but can't sing, come and sit in the back. You will be counted as present.
  • Fragrances: No scented substances at rehearsals or performances—especially mint, which causes a severe allergy.
  • Known food allergies: Mint (eaten or smelled), hazelnut if eaten, mango if eaten.
  • Absence or late arrival (especially if more than 10-15 minutes): Email Hube or Steve, or call (see roster). Earlier is better.

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Absence and late arrival: If you find you must miss a rehearsal or arrive more than 10-15 minutes late, please call Vera Kochanowsky (703-532-9356). At least 24 hours before rehearsal you may e-mail, Monday morning through Friday afternoon.

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